Marketing Made easy

for BADASS coaches, entrepreneurs & business owners

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Are you a small business owner,

virtual assistant, coach, or side hustler?

Are you feeling lost and confused by all the general marketing information out there?

The marketing world is confusing as hell: Should you make a course? Publish an ebook? Focus on tiktok or YouTube?

Get the answers and marketing guidance you need

from the marketing experts at Inkery Co. on a weekly basis.

Get marketing tips specific to your industry

Join the LIVE Q&A to get answers to your marketing questions.

Create a strategy that works

Join LIVE zoom strategy sessions and trainings to help you navigate the marketing world.

Get tried and true templates and tools

Get weekly worksheets, templates, and tools to help you market effectively.

Satisfied Clients

Content and templates valued at $1,997

Weekly strategy sessions $1,600

Total Value: $3,894

Sign up today and get it all for $6.50/day!

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